Announcing Launch of Stad's Crabfest Inc. 501(c)(3) and Organization Website

January 19th, 2015

Dear Friends of Stad's Crabfest,

On this national day of service, as we look forward to this year's 10th annual Stad's Crabfest and gratefully reflect on the accomplishments you have made possible, we write to thank you for your continued support and to share some important news.

We are proud to announce that Stad's Crabfest Inc. is now a New Jersey nonprofit corporation and a recognized 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.  Because of your kind generosity and support, Stad's Crabfest has grown from a small backyard BBQ to an annual event with more than 100 participants.  To accommodate this growth and to efficiently and effectively continue our charitable mission, as mentioned at last year's Crabfest, we followed through with formalizing our organization and obtained tax exempt status.  We are excited for this next step as we continue to grow and fulfill our mission of raising awareness and enhancing the quality of life of those affected by cancer.

In an effort to keep you informed and connected throughout the year, we created a website where you can find information, view photos, ask questions and even make an online donation.  Please visit our new website at and let us know what you think.  Check back from time to time for the latest news on our plans for this year as well as the accomplishments of our past donation recipients.  We always welcome your input and suggestions regarding the implementation of our mission, worthy recipients and even suggestions for activities at the annual event.  Please feel free to contact any of our Board members.

We truly appreciate your friendship, support and your commitment to our growing community.

Best regards,

Stad's Crabfest Inc.

Bill Baton, President

Debbi Judd, Vice President

Frank Korn, Treasurer

Mark Young, Secretary

Nancy Baton, Board Member

Sydney Dickey, Board Member

David Judd, Board Member